Wednesday, April 25, 2007

This is Sweden!

I called up the Mr. Lobby Guard last night to complain about the heater in my room. Seemed like it was not working coz I couldn't feel the heat despite the fact that I turned it up to it's maximum level. Either that or I just didn't know how to operate the thing (who needs heater in Manila anyway??).

Mr. Lobby Guard went up after awhile and checked my room. His verdict was that the heater was okay (I swear the thing wasn't even warm!!). Then he turned to me and asked, 'Are you cold?'. Thinking that I already got his sympathy, my answer was a shivering 'Yes'. But surprise, surprise his reply was the same reply he gives me every time I comment on the Swedish weather. And this is actually comparable to Leonida's famous This-is-Sparta line in 300:

'Cold? This is not cold, this is normal. This is Sweden!'

Well, thank you Mr Lobby Guard, that was indeed very helpful, it'll certainly keep me from shivering the entire night!

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